Specialised Industry Courses
Online, Onsite & Offshore Training
OPTEC provides training to approximately 800 client organisations within the energy & allied industry throughout Australia and internationally. Our extensive expertise covers a range of areas, making us qualified to address specific client requirements. Where relevant, initial and refresher training is also available.
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Our training staff have accredited industry training credentials. We have extensive experience in either the operation of Power Generation, Transmission or Distribution activities within the energy & allied industries. In addition to this, our personnel have been directly involved in international training & consultancy projects with other Electrical Power Authorities, Mining, Oil & Gas, and Public Transport.

OHS Training

VESI Training

High Voltage Courses

Line Worker Training

Offshore Marine Oil & Gas High Voltage Training

Generator Operation and Control

Industrial Gas Training

IndustrialMining High Voltage Training Gas Training

At Optec, we have developed an advanced and all-encompassing approach to training for the energy sector. Our scope of work covers environments ranging from traditional power plants to cutting-edge wind generation sites. Optec’s consultants can provide everything from Hazardous Area Training to High Voltage, Electrical Supply Industry (ESI) training courses and audits.

Optec is able to assist mining organisations by ensuring compliance on all levels, conducting risk assessments and audits. Our expert team is able to devise customised training plans that address mining-specific operations such as High Voltage System Operation, Working with Industrial Gas Type B and Electrical Safety Procedures. Our offshore training option means that we are able to come to you and train personnel in the workplace with site specific training.

Working in the petro chemical industry carries numerous risk areas, all of which can be assessed by Optec. Our team is able to conduct audits that identify the specific risks, audit your current practices and resources and establish an optimal training and implementation plan to ensure you comply with mandatory legal and industry standards.

Optec consultation in the form of OHS training, Hazardous Area Training and auditing of existing operational systems can significantly contribute to safety, productivity and compliance levels. The availability of on-site training and recognition of prior learning are factors that can minimise disruption of manufacturing schedules by allowing your manufacturing site to obtain necessary qualifications in a time-efficient manner.

With a range of short and extensive courses including high voltage training, generator operation, OHS training and more, energy and allied industry members can rely on Optec for professional and comprehensive training. Many of these certificates are deemed mandatory by governing authorities and Optec has the in-depth knowledge to ensure personnel, machinery and operations meet and even exceed regulatory standards.